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What people told us during our consultation on the concept plan

In January 2021 the project team began a new stage of consultation and engagement on a concept plan for a new community at Wisloe. This followed consultation in 2019 and engagement throughout 2020.

The project team is grateful to everyone who got involved. The website has been visited more than 4,800 times and 136 completed feedback forms were received which is a really positive level of engagement.

What we did

A website at was launched and we sent a newsletter to more than 4,000 addresses. The website and newsletter included information on the concept plan and the vision.

People were encouraged to share their thoughts through an interactive map, an online survey, or a freepost survey enclosed with the newsletter.

A dedicated email address and telephone number was set up and is still available for anyone to contact the project team directly.

We also spoke with community groups, local councillors, local parish councils, the local MP, businesses and other local organisations.

What we found out

Several key themes have emerged from the engagement, including the desire to see the following in the proposals:

  • Enhancing wildlife and biodiversity
  • Protecting local villages identity
  • A design that complements the surrounding area
  • Improved walking and cycling connections
  • Attractive green spaces

The following were identified as highest priority in terms of features for the new settlement:

  • Trees and woodland
  • Off road walking, running and cycling routes that connect to new and existing destinations
  • Areas for wildlife
  • Open green space for play and exercise
  • Wetland areas and ponds

Key concerns also included:

  • Traffic
  • Process and the landowners' roles as organisations in proposing the development
  • Flooding/sewage
  • Pollution (noise and air quality)
  • The gas pipe running through the site
  • Protecting the identity of existing villages (preventing coalescence with existing neighbouring communities)

This valuable feedback has ensured the masterplan responds to what people want to see and their priorities. It has also enabled the masterplan and other activity to begin responding to concerns raised.

It will be important to continue addressing the key concerns raised. As more information becomes available, as detailed plans progress, information will be shared with the communities to continue the transparent and collaborative approach established.

As the project progresses anyone who wishes to be involved will be encouraged to help shape detailed plans.

We have an opportunity to create a new sustainable community at Wisloe that benefits local communities and provides the homes the area needs in the right way. We are excited to share our masterplan which shows what a new community could look like and shares the technical work we've been conducting.

We've prepared summaries to help everyone understand what's in the report. Find out more about the masterplan report and browse the summaries.

If you have any question please contact or 0330 107 0535.