How you can get involved
There are a number of ways you can get involved in helping us to shape the proposals for Wisloe. We will continue to provide updates on our plans via this website, alongside providing information about other opportunities to join the conversation and help give your feedback.
Feedback received to date (see our report from our engagement in 2022) has been invaluable in shaping our thoughts and the masterplan, and we continue to welcome your thoughts and observations on our proposals for Wisloe.
You can take a look at our find out more section to find more detail about the plans and download a copy of the masterplan and contact us by email or via this website.
There remains much to do to achieve our ambition of creating a sustainable new community at Wisloe, but by continuing to work with local people we stand the best chance of doing so in a way which maximises potential benefits for new residents and those who already live in the area.
Talk to us
You can also contact the team by email, phone and through this website.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you need more information about the proposals, or would like to discuss the plans with us.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information or would like to request a meeting. Meetings are available in person, on the phone or via video call.